A couple of years ago the observer ran an article called ‘The 10 Most Important Things You Need To Know In Life’’ written by Rizwan Aseem. The article is interesting, it talks a lot about success, mainly in relationships and in making money and influence but it also has some other interesting ideas. Over the […]
Tag: life
Let me say this as clearly as I can today, Jesus is alive and it has changed everything! Early on this day, years and years ago, Mary was on her way to the tomb where Jesus had been laid, lifeless. She had with her spices and the things she needed to prepare Jesus’ body for […]
On the 10th of the 10th 2010 I was baptized by full immersion. But why? I grew up in a family that openly disliked church, though I’ve no idea why. Other than a wedding or two I had no desire to enter a church until I was 16 and that was only because I fancied […]
So if I’m honest, I’m not the most romantic bloke in the world. It’s not outside of my skillset but it just doesn’t happen naturally at times, so Valentines’ day can be a bit stressful. I had a look at the history of Valentines’ day, and was surprised to see that Valentine was a Christian […]
Ever feel like you are going round and round in circles? Re-inventing the wheel? (I know we always used to dread a new Captain joining the ship because very often we would have to go through the ‘lets try this new idea’ stage … something that we had tried and binned several times under the […]
Training going well for my next race. Legs good, breathing good, feeling good. I’ve been having a think back over some of my previous marathons, and was reflecting on the second time I ran the Snowdonia marathon with a mate. This is a tough race, lots of hills and quite a challenge … the second […]
As you get nearer to a race you start ramping up the miles and getting into the longer runs …. . It’s always at this stage that I get worried about getting a slight niggle, or something that could get worse and stop me getting those all too important miles into the legs … I […]
I have been a Dad three times yet I’ve never met any of my children. No I didn’t put them up for adoption or fall out with their Mother, I have been through three miscarriages, the latest is still quite raw. One of the things I have noticed in this process is how often this […]
We have all heard the apparently encouraging phrases that we are supposed to live by when life kicks us hard, you know the ones I mean. “If you get knocked down seven times, get up eight times.” “What defines us is how well we rise again after falling.” “Turn a setback into a comeback!” And […]
If you grew up in the eighties as I did, you might recall certain toys and items of clothing that bring back a great sense of nostalgia. Like my Naff Naff Co shell suit jacket, portable CD player that had to be kept laser level to play a CD, and Reebok pumps. Well anyway, I […]