I wish I lived in a world that was a lot simpler than it is, back in the day it seemed that way! I am increasingly asked to complete response questionnaires, undertake this or that survey report, or can we store your data for future use? Everything is intrusive, clambering for a bit of me, […]
Tag: lessons
When I took up skiing the instructors mantra was “you’ll go where you’re looking”. I already knew this from my mountain biking days – it was a lesson learnt at a much earlier age when learning seemed somewhat easier. Flying down a mountain trail it doesn’t pay to concentrate on the obstacles in your […]
For ten years Bill Watterson entertained the world through his cartoon series, Calvin and Hobbes. In these cartoons Calvin – an intrepid little boy – is always off on some grand adventure with his faithful sidekick, Hobbes. Calvin’s father – a hybrid of Watterson’s own father and himself – is often seen trying to help […]