I remember clear as day the thought in my mind as we swung out on the blind bend to pass the car in front of us, high up in the Alps: “I hope they’re right!” Quite what the French car we were overtaking thought, as our Rover 218 with 6 kayaks on the roof screamed […]
Tag: leadership
It may not be part of your mindset to think in the way the apostle’s did, they wrote great letters of guidance. When we come across passages like the words we find in 1 Peter 5v1-7 it is a reminder to us who have reached our senior years “Be shepherds of God’s flock.” For those […]
David Murrow (author of ‘Why Men Hate Going To Church’) has discovered a church that has taken on the challenge of appealing to men with amazing results. Grace United Methodist learned how to grow again – without abandoning its traditions. You won’t find a drum set in this church – but you will find men. […]
By way of Ray Ortlund.