Tag: Jesus


Hiraeth (Here-eyeth) is one of those words in Welsh that doesn’t have a specific equivalent translation into English. The nearest you can get is ‘Longing for one’s home’ and frankly ‘Home-sickness’ really doesn’t come up to scratch. An example I remember being told of was an aunty of mine who had married and moved to […]

Terminal Damage

When I was employed in the building industry, we were made very aware of the dangers of asbestos in buildings. Whenever it was discovered, it had to be removed by licenced contractors using specialist equipment. The alarming thing was that in its day it was hailed as a ‘wonder material’ and can be found in […]

Kingdom Man

The kingdom I’m referring to is the Kingdom of God both here on earth and in the heavens above. The Kingdom being God’s domain upheld by Jesus Christ through his church. God’s kingdom also refers to God’s reign on earth and through Jesus, in our hearts. This includes our acceptance of His kingship and our […]

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