So before lockdown kicked in and life changed, I was driving home from a CVM meeting and my phone pinged to let me know I had some messages coming in. At the next opportunity I pulled over to take a look and discovered a mate of mine had sent me a message asking me what […]
Tag: honour
A few years ago I heard the Mosaic LA church leader, Erwin McManus, say “…we teach what we know, we reproduce what we are!”. Throughout my life I have seen, over and over again, just how true this statement is. When any of us live life full-on for God and let His Word shape our […]
One of the search options that Google have developed is the Google Ngram viewer. This search allows you to look at words in books and their frequency that Google have stored on their mega brain somewhere in a cloud. The range in years is from 1800 – 2008 and whilst the data has been criticised, […]
It is often easy to stand alongside our brothers at a football match, or at the bar, or on a healthy hike. These are good “blokey” things to do. They feed our sense of worth, appeal to our desire to be seen to be “manly” – and they are good fun! However, I wonder […]
A crowd of us gathered around the cenotaph outside St Thomas’ church in Chesterfield for remembrance Sunday. Minutes earlier we had been inside for a 45 minute service attended by the mayor and various other civic representatives such as the police.
The Codelife journey started about 2 years ago. For me it’s always when I’m not expecting it that I hear God speak to me. On this particular occasion I was in the shower. Out of the blue an idea popped into my mind accompanied by a panoramic vision of seeing a movement of men rise […]