Supposing I were to ask you to list the types of people who will end up in Hell, I am quite sure that amongst the first ones mentioned would be liars, thieves, murderers, idolaters, adulterers, or some very similar terminology in some fairly similar order. (Btw, how often do you stop to consider Hell anyway?) […]
Tag: hell
When someone raises an objection to Christianity like: ‘There’s no proof of God’, it’s relatively easy to respond. You can talk about how, outside of pure maths, we don’t talk about proof, or look at how most of the important decisions we make in life are not down to irrefutable proof (see our blog, Prove […]
So, in Hell: Part 1, we discussed how God wouldn’t send good people to hell because there are no good people. In Hell: Part 2, we discussed how God wouldn’t send anyone to hell because we choose it for ourselves. This week, we want to look at the solution to the problem that hell creates. […]
God wouldn’t send good people to hell. Last week, we looked at the idea that there are no ‘good’ people for God to send to hell: There’s Jesus, and then everyone else. Here we want to look at the idea that God doesn’t send anyone anywhere – we satnav our own eternal destination. A lot […]
Recently, I asked a friend who used to believe in God how he lost his ‘faith’. He told me that two people close to him died in quick succession, and he realised that the idea of God sending those good people to hell was so ridiculous that the Christian god was obviously false. So, how […]
Nuts, a basically pornographic magazine has seen its circulation fall by 22.5%. Zoo has fallen by 32.1% and FHM by 19.2%. Good riddance. You’re going down fast and I couldn’t be happier. I’m sick and tired of seeing these “things” on the shelves of our newsagents. I can feel the anger rising up every time […]
In ‘Heaven is for Wimps and Posh Women – Part Two’ I mentioned the way Jesus once told people about hell, using an accessible, ‘earthly’ place as an analogy. I think he sometimes talked about heaven using earthly ‘hooks’ in the same way. He said, for instance, there would be wealth in heaven—treasure—but not like […]
Did you read ‘Heaven Is for Wimps and Posh Women Part One’? Did it annoy you? – I hope so. Preferably because you sympathised with blokes who can’t connect with churchy views on heaven, not because you thought I was being unfair on the preacher. It’s all lies though—I mean the western secular world’s take […]
What does the word ‘heaven’ say to ordinary blokes? There’s ‘chocolate heaven’ which sounds a bit girly and after all, is just a pudding which women especially drool over. Then a lot of stuff about heaven seems to get mixed up with all the romantic hoo-hah around Valentine’s Day, with cute little fat, baby cherubs […]