Some years ago I was reading an evangelistic magazine in America when an advert from an evangelist caught my eye. He boasted that if he was invited to preach at any church he guaranteed that at least one hundred people would be saved! Probably one of the greatest evangelists that ever walked this earth was […]
Tag: healing
I was thinking about ‘heartbreak’ the other day. The term makes me think of something from school, a bit childish and I have pictures of those sweets made into heart shapes. However, I think this all fails to deal with the silent pandemic of heart break in men. Let me list a few things here: […]
Well, what an incredible journey that Pam (my wife) and I have been on. To be told only 3 months ago that I should basically prepare for my own funeral as I was given a 9-month shortened life expectancy was a shock. With the diagnosis of oesophageal cancer, the best I could hope for was […]