One of Satan’s strongest weapons is discouragement through negative words. If David had followed his brother’s or Goliath’s or Saul’s words in 1Samuel 17 he would not have gone on to be the greatest King Israel ever had. To his brothers he had a wicked heart and to Goliath he was the runt of the […]
Tag: fight
Christianity is not a playground but a battleground! When Elijah came back from his victory on Mount Carmel he was exhausted with the struggle with Jezebel and others. He collapsed underneath the Juniper tree and experienced what Winston Churchill called – ‘The Black Dog’. Today, all around our country, people are feeling exhausted with the […]
I wanted to reflect a bit about the UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championships. Now, this may be a divisive subject, I get that, because for lots of men out there the idea of watching guys fight like this just isn’t something they care to see. Some men on the other hand will appreciate the UFC for […]
“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 I was at a social event recently with Carl, the President of CVM. We had a good […]
GETTING THE GEAR AND MAKING THIS SOCIAL When I started my Ironman training the first thing I did was get the right gear I needed: trainers, shorts and spent hours looking at bikes. (Didn’t buy one don’t panic!) Before I had even started to train my swim, ride or run I was online looking at […]
The last time I was interviewed by, it was the most-read article on their website for weeks on end. This interview was written and first published by Sam Hailes here… Having seen the head of Christian Vision for Men (CVM) give his seminar at New Wine, I waited patiently as a queue of people […]