Tag: dad

Sweets and Puppies

Protecting our children from ‘stranger danger’ in 2017 I recently attended an ‘E-Safety’ presentation at my children’s junior school. As someone who spends a lot of time online, I wasn’t expecting to learn much, but I found the evening to be a real eye-opener. When we were children, being aware of ‘stranger danger’ was looking […]

The Grateful Dad

I’m a faulty man in my mid-fifties, with a wonderful wife of 28 years with 23 years of full time ministry under my belt. All my children are in their early and mid-twenties, walking with Jesus and I’m a Grateful Dad. Two bits of advice I found worked pretty well. I always tried to be […]

Becoming A Dad

At about 4am this morning I was trying to comfort my five month year old son who was teething. Despite the circumstance I was shocked at how normal it actually seemed and how life had changed so much and so quickly since his arrival. Despite being from a relatively large and comparatively happy family I […]

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