Tag: Cost

Let Him In

One of the many words of wisdom my Dad has passed onto me was this: ‘Just remember son, civilisation is only skin deep.’ So, what did he mean by that? Basically, because of his study of various wars throughout the centuries, what he meant was that the ugly side of human nature isn’t very far […]


Recently a mate of mine sent me a text as we were ending a conversation about God and some stuff and he mentioned this;  ‘it’s like Jesus you get for free, but Christ costs you everything.’ Let me start with some points of clarity.  I am not suggesting here anything outside of grace, forgiveness from […]


So, confession time. About 2 years ago I took part in a triathlon, it was a sprint distance tri and it was awful. I consider myself to have incredible explosive power, pushing something, pulling something, or lifting, but physical endurance strength is, well just not something I’ve got. (yet) This year I signed up to […]

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