About the Sport Principle Top athletes spend most of their time worrying about things they have no control over: the weather, the referee, the crowd’s reaction, etc. We must learn from this. There is now lots of scientific evidence to suggest that the old saying is true: Whether you believe that you can, or you […]
Tag: control
I wrote this the morning after the night before. England out on a penalty shoot-out. I was 21 when we went out of Italia ’90 in the semi-finals in the same way, and 27 for Euro ’96, so it has been a long while since I felt the same way about a football match […]
Jesus lay asleep in the boat. He was with his mates, experienced fishermen – he could trust them, because of this trust he could relax and have time for a snooze. That must have been a great feeling, trust in your buddies so that you are able to switch off and have a break. Everything […]
Picture the scene; RN warship returning from a 6 month deployment. Ships crew lining the decks, looking looking looking to make that eye contact with loved ones on the jetty. Then I saw her … my wife Helen with our 7 month old son Ben. As I looked I thought ‘blimey .. she’s gone grey […]
Read this: Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten and everything is new. 2. Corinthians. 5, 17. (Code Bible). Reread Code 11. “Identity” Recite this out loud: Our problem surely is ourselves. We seek meaning only from this World, Identity kept safe within ourselves. Our gods are built on […]