In June of this year, we were back! The Gathering happened! Around 1500 men were in ‘a field near Swindon’ and I would say the Spirit of God hovered over that place for the entire weekend. Without any shadow of a doubt, the power of the Gospel was palpable. Whilst we were setting up the […]
Tag: code
So before lockdown kicked in and life changed, I was driving home from a CVM meeting and my phone pinged to let me know I had some messages coming in. At the next opportunity I pulled over to take a look and discovered a mate of mine had sent me a message asking me what […]
Many years ago, I remember being asked “who are you when no-one is watching?” It came as a bit of a challenge at the time because I could not say, hand on heart, that my private life quite lived up to my public life. There were never massive issues in my life, but there were […]
It’s often said that life is more about the journey than the destination. Arthur Ashe, to date the only African-American male tennis player to win the U.S. Open and Wimbledon, said “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” But what would we say as followers of Jesus? For longer than I can […]
Over the summer months I have been giving my personal physical condition quite a bit of thought. It is not that I am badly out of shape, but I do spend a lot of time in my car and that has had a fair impact on my body over time. So, in real terms, it […]
For ages, we’ve tamed the Christmas story and made it nice for the kids–time to face reality. Recite this out loud: She said God made her pregnant! What was in her head? Was that what, what she said meant? There were less idiotic ways to explain her Being in the family way—it’s a no-brainer. Well, […]
“In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him and without Him, nothing was made that was made… And The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us…” John chapter 1 Recite this, slowly, out […]
Read Numbers ch. 24 v17. Matthew ch. 2 v 1. Narrator Seeking the Truth In a world full of lies In a world full of fools They called them wise. They studied the writings The stars and the sightings But never quite knew the score Till it- entered their minds, By signals and signs. No […]