No-one seems to be certain who first coined the famous phrase, “Decisions are made by those who show up”. Its potential authors include a range of people from former US Presidents to movie-maker Woody Allen, and it was popularised by its use in the American TV show “The West Wing”. But whoever first uttered the […]
Tag: Church
Prat Read Luke Ch 15, v 11-23 (Recite this, out loud, walking along, to the rhythm of your footsteps. Best by far in a Ray Winstone / Bob Hoskins accent. If you are reading this on your phone, turn it on its side). My mate Josh down the pub, Got a story about this bloke; He’s minted. […]
Using films, books, culture and sport as we tell others about Jesus. This is the first part in a series on what it means to share our faith, and therefore what ‘Jesus Saves Racing’ is about at its core. In essence the series will focus on what we as Christians aim to be talking about […]
The fastest growing churches are the ones without ‘walls’, the New Testament church, the persecuted underground church in China, the Pentecostal church in South America and parts of Africa. They have no buildings, no institutions, no professional leadership, but they have the body of Christ involved in all spheres of life. In Africa I have […]
“Get a house group going this Lent.” was the exhortation from the pulpit at my church eight years ago. I did and the mixed group I started is still running and healthy. Being an expat church group the membership changes every year and only 3 of the 10 original members remain but I thank God […]
I am a sinner. This much is obvious to me, and probably to regular perusers of this blog, but now it is also obvious to my church. You see the other day I gave a notice in church. Yes that’s right folks, it’s all out in the open now! Did I mention that I did […]
I am cool. There is no doubt about it. If you doubt it you are about to be proved wrong my friend. Very wrong. You see I own an umbrella. Oh yes. Eating your words now aren’t you? But not just any umbrella, you see my umbrella has a handle that is shaped like the […]
Ever seen one of those lists, the one where you list your priorities in order. Often for the Christian they look like this: God Family Friends Church Job But if we were honest they’d probably look like this: Family Friends Church God Job Maybe not exactly but you get the idea. Didn’t Jesus come to […]
It struck me the other day that we sing an awful lot about Jesus being everything, that it’s all about Jesus. And let’s face it they are both excellent sentiments but do they tell the whole story? I mean I know we should give our entire heart to Jesus and He should be our main […]
I’ve noticed a trend among Christians that’s starting to make me feel grumpy. It may just be the people or organisations that I ‘follow’, but as I look through my Twitter feed I notice that the vast majority of comments are on issues such as justice, food banks, trafficking, gender issues, politics etc. All of […]