About the Sport Principle The British Olympic sailing team’s sports psychologist attributes the British Sailing Team’s considerable success over the last two to three decades, to their deliberate policy of generating a team spirit among the sailors over the Olympic cycle, even though many of them are going out on the water on their own […]
Tag: Christ
About the Sport Principle When you are training, whatever your sport, if you want a laugh, train with a beginner. If you want a workout, train with somebody of a similar standard, but if you really want to improve, find somebody to work with as a training partner who is much better than you. It […]
It really does not feel like it was that long ago that we were making plans for Christmas 2018, but that was last year. My wife and I had just moved across to North Wales, our son was just in the throes of getting used to his first term in school. We had lots of […]
I quite like golf. I am not a good golfer, but I do quite like golf. Mark Twain once said that “…golf was a good walk ruined”. I think he was wrong, though I do have to admit that in my case golf is a good walk made 2-3 times longer. Not that long ago, I […]
You may be reading this and not be a Christian. That’s okay but this is a message for those who are Christians. You see I was troubled for a while about some of the life style choices I am being asked to make, and I should say, have made. There is confusing multi-messaging coming from […]
I am a sinner. This much is obvious to me, and probably to regular perusers of this blog, but now it is also obvious to my church. You see the other day I gave a notice in church. Yes that’s right folks, it’s all out in the open now! Did I mention that I did […]
Someone said to me the other day, ‘Well, you have to believe in the resurrection because you’re a Christian.’ What he meant, essentially, was that because of the tribe I belong to, there are certain things that I just take blindly on faith. In fact, he got it the wrong way round. I don’t believe […]
You’ve probably heard the statistics: If a child follows Christ his family will also follow in 3% of cases; if a woman follows Christ, 17% of the time, the rest of the family will follow, and if a husband follows Christ, over 90% of the time the rest of the family will join him. The […]