In this week’s blog we are thinking about putting the welfare of others before our own. This is something that I, personally, think we are beginning to lose in wider society. Maybe we have been losing it for a long time. This has all sorts of implications, and it is not just relevant to men, […]
Tag: busy
I was reading in the news that the UK government are expecting many of us to abandon long distance travelling and overseas meetings for online ones. In the wake of the virus and people emerging from lockdown there will be many changes to the way ‘life’ has been done. With an expected 20% reduction on […]
As I write we are entering week four of the ‘lockdown’, our churches have adapted and have gone on-line, which is great to see. However, and this is not a rant, with the vast increases in Zoom, WhatsApp, Facetime, etc, etc, I have found myself becoming somewhat overwhelmed by the sheer volume of messages inviting […]
Life is just so busy, and we all make it so much busier simply by trying to become successful. I have lost count of both the number of years and the number of times that I have spoken to friends and colleagues about the need to live a life of significance and value. I have […]
A lay in is a rare and unique thing. I have 3 children and they don’t mess about when it comes to starting their day at full speed. Our normal routine in the home is that I do the mornings and get things moving before I leave to get to the HUB at CVM. On […]
I absolutely love stock car racing, it’s my favourite motorsport and every opportunity I get I head off to the Racewall in Cowdenbeath. However, my ultimate goal is to visit Daytona for the NASCAR Daytona 500 race. NASCAR racing is where a bunch of men and one woman drive really fast in circles around an […]