Tag: bible

It’s In The Details

In a recent Demolition Squad article we saw how well established Jesus is in the historical record. History indeed shows Jesus as a man whose life and death had a huge impact on the communities, governments, and religions around him. So what was it about Jesus that produced these momentous tremors on the historical seismograph? The […]

Who Created The Creator?

Or, ‘Who designed the Designer?’ This is the central argument of Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion, and as such, has become something of a steaming hot potato in recent years. Since the Big Bang exploded onto the scene in the 1960s, we’ve known that the universe had a beginning. The Bible has been saying […]

What I believe….

I am a Christian. I believe in a magic sky clown that makes everything happen. Everything that happens is His will. Sometimes bad things happen, but that’s because He moves in mysterious ways – says so in the Bible. I believe that this magic sky clown came to earth as a Jewish Zombie to tell […]

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