Tag: bible

8 Strategies to Assist You in Your Evangelism

Evangelism is a spiritual struggle. It’s a bloody, vicious war. There is no Geneva Convention or International Court of Justice imposing civility. Our enemy is not a gentlemen and he is out to totally, utterly ruin all that you love, cherish and seek to protect.

In this war we have been given tools, and I believe the role of persuasion – arguing, illustrating, and questioning – is a weapon that we are to deploy in this war.

Timothy was told by the Apostle Paul to “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5). We’re shown that evangelism is both a task, as well as an office or role (Ephesians 4), and a task that in the Great Commission (Matthew 28) all Christians are called to.

As we think through how to use persuasion in evangelism here are 8 points to remember.

Don’t Get Caught Out

Sometimes you read a verse or two from the Bible and it gets you, as if God was saying it for the very first time and that it was meant specifically for you. This happened to me recently when I read the following words from 2 Corinthians: “We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and […]

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