Last time we thought about traditions this time I am going to think a bit about routines … stuff we just do because … well … because we do. We always do. If you have been reading these blogs for a while you may remember that I like to run. I used to run a […]
Tag: advent
As we approach Christmas, my thoughts often turn to the normal stuff we do at Christmas, what did we do last year? What did we do in 2010? 1984? What did our forebears do in 1876 .. family traditions .. love ‘em. I guess you all have some … The Royal Navy is rammed full […]
Christmas. Not long to go now, how are your preps going? It all seems to start earlier and earlier each year, doesn’t it? Christmas is for many a time to spend with family, but for many folk it can be a very difficult period when that can’t happen for a whole lot of reasons. Whilst […]