Happy New Year and welcome to 2019 from all of the team. 2019 is a special time for us here at CVM and during the year you will be hearing lots from us, why? Well, it’s an important birthday! CVM has existed for 30 years and we are pleased to say that all year we […]
Tag: 2018
Have you ever noticed the flurry of books and self-help guides to transform you into ‘the man’ that will rise to the top in this world? There are loads. At the start of the year this stuff is all the more visible. How to earn more, how to excel in business, how to be a […]
New Year. Another one. 2018. Already. Any hopes? Dreams? Challenges? Resolutions? Plans? Of course we have no idea what lies ahead, we can make plans, we can prepare for stuff but no-one actually knows for sure whether any of it will actually happen .. I am not sure how far ahead you all make plans, […]