About the Sport Principle Social inhibition in sport is a huge area of academic study in PE and Sports Science. Put simply, the term means that some people’s performance is improved by the presence of an audience (social facilitation), but some people feel the pressure and the presence of the audience makes their performance worse […]
About the Sport Principle This principle is all about the ‘f’ word: focus, of course. Sportspeople, like all of us, sometimes get their understanding of how we focus wrong, and it costs them dearly. They may talk about their momentary loss of focus costing them the game. For example: ‘I lost my focus for a […]
I once heard a joke about a rather disreputable individual who died. The person who was asked to give the eulogy knew full well the character of the man and was suitably wracked with dread as culture dictated that he not only tells the truth about the deceased but also say something positive. Telling the […]
Happy New Year. Let me retell a story, perhaps one of my favourites found in Mark 2. Huge crowds had gathered around Jesus, so many people that there just wasn’t any space left as Jesus was teaching truth and healing the sick. The house he was in must have been heaving, with people filling every […]
As you might know I hold a train driving licence. It was a very long hard slog to learn all the rules and regulations and ultimately pass my test to be allowed out on my own to drive passenger trains. During the practical side of this training, I was trained to drive during the dreaded […]
At CVM this year, like every year, we have focused on one person, we have written about, spoken about and shared the news of Jesus the Christ. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”John 14:6 Jesus is the answer, he is […]
About the Sport Principle In these days of sky-high expectations from the British public following three hugely successful Olympic Games from our athletes, and where there is more government money through agencies like Sport England funding sport than ever before, the podium performance (or elite performance) contract has become increasingly popular. The idea is that […]
Driving South for Christmas is a very familiar journey. As I set out I don’t need to consider much about the journey, I know the route, the various stopping places, and how long the journey will take. Unless there is a major hold up, a traffic accident or road works the journey is straightforward. As […]
The Sport principle: Imagine being a child supporter of Manchester United, whose first game at Old Trafford was the 5-0 defeat to Liverpool earlier this season. All your short life, you’d have looked forward to an experience that should have been a happy memory for the rest of your life, but it was forever ruined […]
We men like to think we know the way to somewhere. Even if we don’t know, we like to pretend we do. And dare I suggest that many of us are reluctant to take advice on directions? Perhaps I’m generalising but, of course, there is a solution – a map! Wherever I go on holiday […]