I thought it might be fun to just do a quick top 3 on ideas for men’s events – we love a top 3 at CVM so the next three articles/blogs from me are exactly that. Without further ado, number 3… FIRE There is something primal about a fire that doesn’t need to be dressed […]
One of the best things about being part of the team at CVM is being part of a ministry which is not ashamed to keep Gospel proclamation front and centre of our cause. We live in a world that is literally falling apart at its seams. We have been very used to using terms like […]
Recently the men’s group that I am part of ran an event called MOB (doesn’t stand for anything, just a MOB of men!), and I think it has great potential to help us link up with other men’s groups, churches and become something of a catalyst to encourage men to get together. MOB is based […]
One of the many things I have inherited from my Dad (along with baldness) are some of the things he says. The one that I have noticed recently is saying ‘Right, let’s have a look here’ before commencing some job or task. I can see him now uttering these words as he stood with the […]
I used to think I would make a good soldier. I even got to the stage as a young of applying for the Royal Marines. Something got the better of me and I did not go for the interview. I know people who have joined the armed service. Men, who have gone through basic training, […]
I serve on the board of Trustees for a charity that works with the RN (no names no pack drills). A recent trustee board meeting was held in a Royal Naval establishment and we were accommodated in the wardroom (officers accommodation), again no names here to protect the innocent. We arrived on the Sunday for […]
As we strive to reverse climate change and save our planet, tree planting’s become a big thing. If you are a follower of gardening programmes, you may have picked up a tip when planting a new tree to provide a stake fixed at an angle pointing in the direction of the prevailing wind, but that […]
About the Sport Principle This is my final thought in this series of sports principles. If you’ve managed to read each of these blogs, stretching back well over a year, well done. Well done too if you’ve managed to read any of them. I really appreciate any time and attention that you have invested in […]
Asked if there was a compromise in being Kingdom Man, and trying to be all things to all men caused me to check and think through again what my personal values are in what may seem a confusingly challenging world. There are lots of blokey things that I like and that I take for granted; […]
This was part of the positive feedback I received when welcoming guys to CVM The Gathering in 2015. I’ll never forget it. The guy who said it was in the scaffolding trade, had attended for the first time the year before, loved it so much that he had returned and brought thirteen of his friends […]