We like books at CVM. We all like to read, and read widely across books, blogs, magazines etc. … There are always books floating around on coffee tables and desks here at the office and emails bounce back and forth with recommendations and suggestions.
We also toss around ideas of books to write, and if one day we ever complete all the ideas we start with we’d have a publishing house-size collection of books.
What To Read
With so many books out there we know, painfully, that there are good books and there are not-so-good books. So I thought that we could sit down and create a list of books that would be worth reading. A sort of map-through-the-minefield to help avoid some of the stuff that quite frankly is not worth reading.
So the internal-chatter has started and my list is growing and soon we will have a CVM Recommended Reading list, with books across a variety of subjects to help men in their faith.
But before we get there I thought I’d throw it out there for your recommendations. Which books have been of benefit to you? Would it be a work from C. S. Lewis? Or perhaps an older classic like Pilgrim’s Progress? Maybe there’s a study tool or perhaps a biography that you constantly recommending to friends?
Let us know!