Carl writes:
It’s been a long time coming (2 years to be precise) but CVM has now got the keys for a new HQ. We are calling it ‘The Hub’ because we see it as a central resource base for all you guys out there on the ground reaching men, week in week out. From ‘The Hub’ we will be producing resources, coordinating and liaising with our group leaders, interns, area coordinators, mission specialists, directors in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and basing our events and conference management team. We also want it to be a place where we can host meetings, run training and generally be a fun place for any of our supporters who want to pop in and say “hi!”. This is why we moved CVM to Derbyshire so that we could be much more centrally and strategically located. Two years with seven staff ‘hot-desking’ just two desks in a shared parish office hasn’t been easy but we wanted to focus all our donations into evangelism. We felt strongly however that in order to do what we are called to do with more impact, we needed a base.
I need your help to get ‘The Hub’ up and running and have a few needs!
Firstly, it goes without saying that we need to pay the rent. We have budgeted for this but of course it is an additional regular expense. Could you spare from £2 a month to help us? For any new standing order set up of at least £5 we will be sending you a copy of The Code book, a ‘Men’ DVD and a copy of Cinemania. Give us £10 a month (or more) and we will give you a subscription to the brilliant Sorted magazine as well. Believe me when I say that you probably don’t notice a fiver leaving your account (the cost of a two coffees) but we really notice it coming in.
In fact just 200 men giving us £5 a month would be a real help.
We have also had to purchase second-hand desks and heavy duty storage equipment. We want ‘The Hub’ to reflect our values, and having a smart and welcoming place with reasonable quality office furniture that matches was important to us! This has cost us £3,000. Is this something you could help contribute to?
Here is a short video (click on it to play) showing where we used to work and a short tour of ‘The Hub’ and some photos (below) of what it looks like now! I hope you catch a sense of the vision and growth of our work together.
I really do believe that CVM is a movement that is about all of us being in this together and I hope you will feel part of what we are establishing here in Derbyshire. Giving to this project is really easy, you can click on this link or just call the office.
Thanks for all your support. It really is an exciting time and I hope that many of you get to drop in and see the new base at some point in the future.
Your brother in Christ,
Carl Beech