The Pixel Project are an online organisation (State-side) working hard to bring awareness to the cause to end Violence Against Women. For those of you already involved in this area, you’ll know the horrifying statistics all too well. You’ll be familiar with some of the cases. You’ll know the scope of the task at hand if we are to see change and restoration.
There’s a section on The Pixel Project website called ‘The Men’s Room‘. They’ve correctly pointed out that if we are really want to see change, we need to see a change in the hearts of men.
That’s the massive heart-beat of our CODELIFE initiative (launching at CODELIFE 2010 – the CVM Annual Conference). A code of honour for men to live by, to use their strength to protect and not to harm. Redeemed masculinity where men live courageous, inspired, humble lives. Willing to sacrifice for others and determined not to quit.
Take a look at what The Pixel Project have to say. You can also follow them on Twitter.
“It’s time for a new kind of man.”
UPDATE: These guys are not just in the US – but operate worldwide – 25/08/2010