It’s only one week until the CVM conference! Next Friday some of you guys will be, along with us, making your way to Warwick Uni for a great weekend. For those of who have been before, you know what it’s like. For others (like me), this is your first time and you’re probably wondering exactly what’s going to happen.
Well, the line up looks pretty good. Graham Kendrick and Andy Economides take us through the main sessions. Then there’s your pick of top guys for the seminars. Of course, there’s life outside too with a bunch of cars from Lexus to drive and a sports venue to explore.
Then there’s the food (did someone say ‘banquet’?) and the bar to chill in when the day is done. So you choose – how do you want to spend you weekend?
And for those of you that are hanging on to the last minute to book, yes – there are still some places left! Give us a ring to secure your place and come join us for what promises to be a thoroughly fun, challenging and provoking weekend!