During this time of lock down we are having to remember that waiting on the Lord is part of the Christian’s life experience. It’s not easy for active mission focused men to be patient but as David said in one of his many times of struggle “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14). David was a man after God’s own heart and despite his flawed character, Psalm 27 reveals his trust in the Lord whatever the circumstances.
Many years ago we were doing some mission work in Penwortham, Preston and when we came home our three year old daughter was very unwell and was admitted to hospital with double pneumonia. We were met at the hospital by a Christian doctor we knew and God heard our cry for help and she was healed. In Psalm 40:1 David says “I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry” As our cries go up to the Lord about this life and death situation for many vulnerable people we must remember like David that we know a man who is moved also – His name is Jesus.
Moses started off badly using his own strength by killing an Egyptian but his moment came after many years to lead God’s people to safety. Exodus 3: explains firstly that God had heard his peoples’ cry for help (verse7). His heart was moved – David as already stated was able to trust the Lord as their hearts were linked. There comes a time in history when God’s heart is moved and He comes to our aid. Evan Roberts cried out before the Welsh Revival “Lord break me and save Wales” – God heard his cry (Wales experienced revival).There is a growing interest in the ‘Alpha online course’, things are moving slowly – there is Hope.
God has not finished with the world – even in this moment of heartache for many His love is still drawing people to Him.
Photo by Ümit Bulut on Unsplash