My dad died almost 13 years ago.
When it comes to Father’s Day there is a tinge of sadness. He was a great dad and I still miss him. Throughout my childhood, I would take delight in making Father’s Day cards, choosing words that showed my appreciation for the dad he was. It was a way of demonstrating my thankfulness for a good dad.
I no longer get to do this.
But this year I have been challenged to think about who else I can show my appreciation for. My dad was a one-of-a-kind but there are other men who have spoken into my life over the years. There was a mentor who would ask me those awkward discipleship questions over a bowl of hot home made soup. There was a business leader who invested into my Kingdom initiatives. There was a saintly older guy who committed to pray for me regularly.
As you look back on your life journey so far, who are some of the men who have spoken into your life?
This year for Fathers Day, I want to honour these father type figures who have invested into my life. I probably won’t send them all cards but perhaps a text or a short email, thanking them for what they have done for me.
My first challenge for you is who can you acknowledge and thank this Father’s Day?
Do your dad first if you can but then go beyond that. As Paul writes to the church in Thessaloniki, “…encourage one another and build each other up….” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Everyone appreciates an encouraging word and so why not affirm someone this Father’s Day.
My second challenge is this: who can you be a Father to? As we think about those that have spoken into our lives, how can we practically do this for the next generation? For our own kids, if we have them, but also for children and young people beyond.
For some top tips on the second challenge, you can check out my seminar at this years Gathering that isn’t taking place in a field near Swindon but from the comfort of your own home!
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash