For so many of our young people the journey through teenage years is increasingly difficult and many find themselves simply drifting into adult hood and struggling to find their place as a disciple of Jesus in a secular society. There are so few good role models for young men to look up to. What the world portrays as a real man is far from what God calls them to be and the church is not immune. The situation is critical, we need to act now.
Reality Youth Project is responding to this challenge by launching Boys2Men (part of Authentic Discipleship) aimed at helping young men make the transition into adulthood through a short course, a coming of age experience and through ongoing, one to one discipleship. Reality UK will train and equip local churches and organisations to set up Boys2Men groups to deliver the “ManMade” course by Darren Quinnell (looking at passion, humility, courage, respect, control, responsibility). We will also work with Churches and other organisations to establish and resource ongoing, one to one Authentic Discipleship, through online resources and an annual Authentic Discipleship conference.
Paul Gask (CVM’s Regional Director North England) reflected about thefirstcourse we have recently done.
“I’ve often heard the phrase, “It’s easier to build a man than to try and fix him”. Having travelled around the country over the last few years with Christian Vision for Men, I’ve seen many men who would have greatly benefitted and learned so much from the Reality Youth Project’s “Boys2Men” initiative.
Having recently been involved, hands on in a pilot course in Leicester, I can only say that the subjects on, Passion, Humility, Courage, Respect, Control and Responsibility are characteristics which, if instilled into our boys from an early age will greatly be of benefit when they reach the stage of becoming men. I have already seen positive signs of growth in the boys who have completed the pilot course and using the vast experience and skills of the Reality Youth Project team I am excited at working with them on future courses. There is no other course like this currently out there and this initiative is vital if our boys are to become the men they know they should be.”
Join us on this journey of faith was we seek to inspire the church and transform a generation.
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Photo Credit:
Warren Wong