Life is busy. Responsibilities and commitments rarely abate, and new challenges require our attention and focus.
This is in addition to our increasingly cluttered lives. Lives where the in-between parts are filled up by technology, media – digital distraction. Like water finding the cracks in a pavement, so our empty spaces so easily fill up with things that are just a click away.
I have known times in my life where I have suddenly come to the realisation that it’s been a while since I’ve stopped, prayed, read my Bible etc.. This wasn’t intentional, it just sort of happened.
I may have become aware of this rather gently: no dramatic incident in my life, just a realisation of something familiar that was no longer there.
These unassuming moments where I return to my private life with my Lord can mask the danger that may have just been averted. Perhaps there were slight feelings of guilt, or nostalgia, but it didn’t feel like anything bad really happened. I, or others, weren’t seemingly hurt from this lapse.
But something bad could have happened.
Spiritual Preparation
When Peter tells the church to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15, NIV) he is in part instructing the church to think through the reasons for faith: to be able, when called upon, to explain the basis for hope. But there is more to the defense of the faith than having all the answers. We must be spiritually prepared too.
There is no strong apologetic that is not rooted in relationship with God. The “hope” we proclaim is relational. God, come to earth, to redeem the world. Sharing Christianity is not only sharing reasons for faith, but includes an active demonstration of the relationship between God and us.
When we spend time with God in prayer, when we learn of His truth through the Bible, we cultivate a spiritual preparedness. We’re more on God’s wavelength, so to speak. Then, when we are presented with an opportunity to share our faith, spiritually we are much more informed. By being closer to God’s heart and His truth we are more able to share it more quickly with others.
Taking Stock
I am surrounded by devices. My computer, my phone, my iPad, they’re all close by. It’s so easy to either always be checking for the latest update, email, score, or, be informed of the latest photo, tweet, or post.
The technology is great. It serves me well, but only when it serves me.
I have found that it’s useful to, perhaps at the end of the week, ask myself some questions – and be honest – about how I’ve spent my in-between time. Have I been purposeful with it? Have I prayed, have I meditated on Scripture, have I been active in involving God in my life? Or have those spaces been consumed by distractions that have crept in?
(If you have a hard time being honest with yourself, ask your wife or someone else close to you for his or her honest thoughts on how you spend your time.)
It’s not a question of grading myself, but a decision to prioritise the most important things. It’s not a religious check list to make me feel good about my life, but I genuine desire to be more in communion with my God who has shown incredible love and grace towards me.
All of this is incredibly beneficial to me, individually. Walking closely with God has knock on advantages in all areas of my life. But the other side of this is that one day it might be incredibly beneficial to someone else who asks you for “the reason for the hope that you have”. You’ll smile, and begin to explain the reasons for this amazing God who were just moments ago talking to and thinking about. And that could make all the difference.