Category: Friends of CVM


A Christian and a Muslim were walking down the road. Sounds like the start of a bad joke doesn’t it? In fact, this was last Sunday. My newly met Muslim friend genuinely wanted to know whether she would be “allowed” to come to church with me. I’d not really noticed the headscarf. Looking back, I […]

Love Zim

LoveZim International prayer day for Zimbabwe 26th September 2010 An exciting thing is happening in Zimbabwe.  There is a move on to redeem the broken land that was once called the ‘breadbasket’ of Africa.  Zimbabwe is rich in resources but has become a place of poverty, hunger and dependency.  A move is afoot to bring […]

The Grateful Dad

I’m a faulty man in my mid-fifties, with a wonderful wife of 28 years with 23 years of full time ministry under my belt. All my children are in their early and mid-twenties, walking with Jesus and I’m a Grateful Dad. Two bits of advice I found worked pretty well. I always tried to be […]

Becoming A Dad

At about 4am this morning I was trying to comfort my five month year old son who was teething. Despite the circumstance I was shocked at how normal it actually seemed and how life had changed so much and so quickly since his arrival. Despite being from a relatively large and comparatively happy family I […]

The Whole Armour of God

I keep hearing the newsreaders going through that matter-of-fact but deadly patter—part of the almost weekly routine now for us it seems, but each time, the end of some family’s world. ‘The MOD has announced the death in Afghanistan this week of another British serviceman. He was corporal… of the … battle group, killed by […]

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