People love big events. You get a buzz, big sound, big names, big crowd…you leave feeling ready to take on the world. I’ve got nothing against a big event or a mega church. Both are great for a preach! I just don’t think its where the real revolutionary work happens.
Revolution power is in the grass roots. It always has been.
Last year CVM (Christian Vision for Men) saw its network run at least 4.5k outreach events, that communicated Jesus to tens of thousands of men. We reached even more through podcasts, magazines and all sorts of creative endeavours. Because we don’t hold it in a stadium or over an event weekend, no ones seen us coming. We don’t shout about it that often either.
Yeah sure we run big events but we hold them in regions. We must have seen thousands of men at regional events last year. But no ones seen us coming because we keep it grass roots and regional and only shout about it in the area its happening.
We’ve managed to establish bases from Belfast to Cambodia with another four nations scheduled in for the next 24 months. But no ones seen it coming…you get the drift.
And it’s not just the organisation that I lead. In the grass roots there are radical revolutionaries quietly getting on with it who you have never heard of and probably will never hear from, unless you are in their orbit.
Is that a very British Kingdom revolution? No it’s just the Kingdom way…and its the most effective. Crucially it doesn’t require someone to be the biggest gorilla in the room.
Carl Beech will be speaking at the CVM Strategic Prayer and Praise Day on February 25 in Market Harborough Evangelical Church. Reserve your place here.