Sometimes in life we need to face up to the reality of what is happening in our current situations and admit to some hard truths. Once we admit these hard truths to ourselves we can start to share and if appropriate seek help and support from our brothers in Christ. Let me give you an […]
Author: Stephen McGuire
One of the things that I love about any testimony, no matter how amazing or how much of a visible transformation there is, are the guys who are often in the background, never giving up. They knew that what the person really needed was Jesus and they stuck at it, often for years without seeing […]
We have all heard the apparently encouraging phrases that we are supposed to live by when life kicks us hard, you know the ones I mean. “If you get knocked down seven times, get up eight times.” “What defines us is how well we rise again after falling.” “Turn a setback into a comeback!” And […]
I am constantly being asked “How can I tell the guys at work about Jesus?” I am asked this question so often that you would be forgiven for thinking that it should have been the first blog in this series of blogs and not the last. It wasn’t a mistake that I have done them […]
I was shocked to learn that over 65% of marital affairs begin in the workplace and I began to pray about why this might be. Suddenly the answers hit me like a brick. Firstly, we spend the majority of the week at work away from our partner and if your house is anything like ours […]
One of the most challenging aspects of any workplace can often be the people we work beside, the people we have to spend the majority of our week with. Often we are thrust together with people who we would normally not choose to spend a few hours with, never mind a whole day! How we […]
As we saw in the previous blog, one of the big challenges we face in the workplace is trying to maintain our integrity in all that we do, say and think. From my experience the temptations are all around us in the workplace and quite often we don’t even realise it. Issues or areas that […]
One of the big challenges that I faced in the workplace, especially within a sales environment, would be the pressure put on by my boss to lie, or exaggerate the truth a little, just do or say anything to get the sale especially if there were a few zeros on the end of the selling […]
The workplace; a place where we spend most of our week, a place where as Christian men we can influence our co-workers, suppliers and customers with the Gospel. Or is it? Are we really showing God’s love in our attitudes, work ethics and conversations? Do we struggle to live by our Christian values when the […]
On a recent trip to the Shetland Isles, I had to take a 14-hour overnight ferry journey from Aberdeen to Lerwick. The weather had been so bad the night before the boat arrived 9 hours late into Aberdeen and the forecast was equally as bad for my trip north. Maybe I should have heeded the […]