Author: Stephen McGuire

Mind Games

The other week I was off work for 3 days due to a sickness bug, nothing serious just one of those bugs that seem to knock the stuffing out of you completely and leave you rolling about the floor wishing your mum was around to nurse you better. I had to cancel meetings and miss […]

Win At All Cost?

There is not a week goes by without some sort of sporting scandal. Whether it is officials receiving bribes, athletes getting caught up in a doping scandal, footballers diving or acting like they have been shot when someone goes anywhere near them. The pressure to win at any cost is immense, with often-huge sums of […]

Nothing Is Impossible

I was recently reading about a guy called George Dantzig who’s work in mathematics and statistics have shaped the way in which airlines schedule their planes and crew, shipping companies deploy their vehicles, oil companies run refineries, manufacturing, revenue management, telecommunications, advertising, architecture, circuit design and countless other areas. His legacy is felt far and […]

What are we living for?

As I was chatting to a local church leader and a very good friend of mine about coming to preach in his church in a few weeks we started to joke about how he would introduce me and more specifically what title he would give me. They’re a few he could choose: Stephen McGuire – […]

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