Author: Roger Leitch

The Play Button

My nostalgic side has been over stimulated recently. There has been an interesting TV series “Back in time for the weekend” which started with the 1950’s through to the present. It showed how much technology has changed our lives over a few decades. The speaker at our church a few weeks ago began his talk […]

Making Friends

Recently Rick Warren posted an article on his Facebook Page called “Why I do what I do” which was summarised as a life-long call to “Reach one more for Jesus”. He explained his approach: “My definition of “Reaching one more for Jesus” is this: You build a bridge of love between your heart and theirs, […]

Toms Story

Alan Scott is the Lead Pastor at Causeway Coast Vineyard who has written an article called “We are losing a Generation” I recommend reading the whole article (link at bottom), because Alan challenges us to not only look to the young in our churches but also to the older generation. The following is an extract […]

You are loved…

Earlier this week I went to bed to find our cat “Meta” curled up halfway down the duvet, clearly not wishing to be disturbed, after all he was there first. I successfully got into bed and gradually claimed the quilt back. Meta did not complain and leave as usual but insisted on snuggling up to […]

Do I need an ambulance?

I must have rolled over in bed and the pain had woken me. Whichever way I moved the pain was so intense that I fully expected to need to go to hospital, with the added indignity of needing to be carried out of bed by an ambulance crew, with me only wearing a pair of […]

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