Author: Ricky Bain

Spring is in the Air

I am not going to mention the word that is filling the news and most conversation at the moment (but it has one of my favourite beers in it).  Instead hopefully Im going to encourage you for the months ahead……….. Spring officially started on 20th March, and already you can see the temperature slowly beginning to rise, […]


For me I love nothing better than settling down to watch a movie to relax, there are so many wonderful movies, and yes, I know there are many not so good. As a man, we do tend to like the more action type of movies, war movies, dramatic battles scenes or seeing the all action […]

Making the Right Decision

WE LIVE IN A FAST PACED WORLD, WHERE WE OFTEN FEEL WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO BREATH. A fast paced life means a life of action and constant activity! One where you get to run from one amazing event to the next. One minute you are at work, producing for the world, then you are […]

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