What does society say and what does God say? I believe this image encapsulates society’s picture of an older person, a rather troubled and passive older man. In my work as Director of Outlook Trust, I meet many older people both in Churches and in the Community who feel on a very deep level that society has a very […]
Author: Norman Critchell
There are nearly 12 million people of pensionable age in the UK today and the number is rising. The latest research shows that only around 16% attend church regularly. Many older people are out of touch with the Christian faith at the very time when they may be seeking an explanation for the difficulties and […]
A few weeks ago, I wrote to a Christian publication who had carried a job advertisement which was a ‘very rare breed’. I asked them to publish my letter on their ‘Letters Page,’ which they did. The advertisement had been for a SENIORS PASTOR at a Church in London. I wrote because in our day […]
My burden and passion for the evangelisation of the ‘older Generations’ has grown and deepened over the past few years as I believe I have sensed the burden and passion of God’s Heart. These statistics give an idea of the mammoth task which still lies ahead of us as Christians and as a Church;- Since […]
In a recent survey conducted by SAGA, respondents put the age at which someone in the UK is deemed to be old at 59, whereas in most other European Countries it’s the mid-60s. This seems to contradict what we hear so often that the new 40 is 60 and the new 50 is 70 and […]