I am a sinner. This much is obvious to me, and probably to regular perusers of this blog, but now it is also obvious to my church. You see the other day I gave a notice in church. Yes that’s right folks, it’s all out in the open now! Did I mention that I did […]
Author: Nick Welford
I am cool. There is no doubt about it. If you doubt it you are about to be proved wrong my friend. Very wrong. You see I own an umbrella. Oh yes. Eating your words now aren’t you? But not just any umbrella, you see my umbrella has a handle that is shaped like the […]
Ever seen one of those lists, the one where you list your priorities in order. Often for the Christian they look like this: God Family Friends Church Job But if we were honest they’d probably look like this: Family Friends Church God Job Maybe not exactly but you get the idea. Didn’t Jesus come to […]
It struck me the other day that we sing an awful lot about Jesus being everything, that it’s all about Jesus. And let’s face it they are both excellent sentiments but do they tell the whole story? I mean I know we should give our entire heart to Jesus and He should be our main […]
I have never been that good at setting aside regular time to read the Bible and pray. It’s not that I haven’t tried – I have. I have tried when I wake up, when I go to bed, before I eat and so on. Every time the same thing happens, I start off strongly but […]
When I was a lot younger I was convinced that the word chimney had an ‘L’ in it. That’s right I thought the word was pronounced chimley. I’m sure as you say that out loud to yourself you, like me, realise that this is a much more audibly pleasing word. It rolls off the tongue […]
Autocorrect. A modern invention that operates in the background of most devices we type on. Correcting our mistakes and faux pas. We hardly even notice it’s there, until it goes wrong. Then we notice. Then we set up whole websites devoted to sharing the amusement of an autocorrect fail. It’s a bit unfair really isn’t […]
Did you know that in this day and age you can buy a toilet seat that closes slowly so it doesn’t slam down? That’s right! Instead of risking a toilet seat slam, as it’s known in the trade, you can release the seat at it’s apex, safe in the knowledge that 5-10 seconds later it […]
Last time I wrote about Adam. The first man. The blueprint. The short term man who couldn’t make a stand. But thankfully the story doesn’t end with Adam, it’s just the beginning. God’s plan is for the whole of creation to be restored, to be redeemed. But for that to happen he needs a new […]
I was recently asked to do a five minute talk for a mens breakfast. As I pondered what to talk about I thought about Adam. The first man. The blueprint. But as it turns out Adam didn’t do all that well. The story goes that God made a helper for Adam called Eve. The serpent […]