Author: Nick Welford

Autocorrect Theology

Autocorrect. A modern invention that operates in the background of most devices we type on. Correcting our mistakes and faux pas. We hardly even notice it’s there, until it goes wrong. Then we notice. Then we set up whole websites devoted to sharing the amusement of an autocorrect fail. It’s a bit unfair really isn’t […]

Potty Training

Did you know that in this day and age you can buy a toilet seat that closes slowly so it doesn’t slam down? That’s right! Instead of risking a toilet seat slam, as it’s known in the trade, you can release the seat at it’s apex, safe in the knowledge that 5-10 seconds later it […]

The First Man – Pt 1

I was recently asked to do a five minute talk for a mens breakfast. As I pondered what to talk about I thought about Adam. The first man. The blueprint. But as it turns out Adam didn’t do all that well. The story goes that God made a helper for Adam called Eve. The serpent […]

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