On the day of writing this blog I woke up at 5am. To give you a bit of context, we are an early rising household but even for me 5am is early. I felt refreshed, I felt as though I had genuinely had enough sleep, but I also had a slightly unnerving thought running through […]
Author: Jon Stockley
Dads, this was our moment! It was our chance to shine! We were thrust into a world that we did not see coming, and our families looked to us as they had never done before. And we completely bossed it… A recent report by the Fatherhood Institute has revealed some really interesting outcomes from the […]
The world has gone mad. I mean, it is literally off the scale, and I don’t think this is all to do with COVID, I think this has been happening for a long time. Now, don’t get me wrong, I believe that COVID has changed a lot of things in our lives, and I reckon […]
These are strange days, are they not? A few days ago, I went to have my haircut. As with everywhere else that we go, the hairdressers is now COVID-safe. I am sitting in front of the mirror with my mask on, the hairdresser also has a mask and a visor on. We talk, small talk […]
OK from the outset in this blog I am going to be honest. This is going to be raw, vulnerable and in some ways it’s a little uncomfortable for me to write but if I am going to offer you anything helpful then I actually think this is the way I need to go. For […]
Life is just so busy, and we all make it so much busier simply by trying to become successful. I have lost count of both the number of years and the number of times that I have spoken to friends and colleagues about the need to live a life of significance and value. I have […]
Many years ago, I remember being asked “who are you when no-one is watching?” It came as a bit of a challenge at the time because I could not say, hand on heart, that my private life quite lived up to my public life. There were never massive issues in my life, but there were […]
As I write this blog I have literally just arrived home from a trip to South Wales. Over the past weekend I have met up with guys who have a heart to reach their mates for Jesus and I spoke at a men’s breakfast where 60+ guys came along to simply hang out with each […]
I am currently feeling a bit challenged by my worldview. It is incredibly hard to maintain a genuinely good perspective. In some ways I sometimes find it hard not to turn into a bit of a moaner—after all what is there not to like from a good whing? Well, what I don’t like is the […]
Sometimes following Jesus can feel a little bit like standing on the edge of a cliff. The only genuine way to go is to carry on walking forward but to do so risks falling off the edge. To not carry on walking risks being stuck in the same place where nothing will ever change. I […]