The Easter weekend is the most important point in history. Each year we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. This moment in history changed the possibilities for all humanity. It gave all of us the opportunity to have the relationship with God that He has always wanted for us, and with us. To understand […]
Author: Jon Stockley
In this week’s blog we are thinking about putting the welfare of others before our own. This is something that I, personally, think we are beginning to lose in wider society. Maybe we have been losing it for a long time. This has all sorts of implications, and it is not just relevant to men, […]
Men share most in the context of activity! I am more convinced of this now than I have ever been. I think this is because it just feels so awkward talking about the deeper stuff with other men in a circle, or even face to face in a one-on-one situation. But when we go out […]
A while back I was asked to speak at a church I had never been to before. I think they had been told about CVM Cymru and that I was a good person to fill a ‘pulpit’ slot that would have otherwise been difficult to fill. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the opportunity […]
One of the things that I love most about hanging out with men is that we can generally sniff out a fake a mile off. We have all had that mate who is full of it, the minute he opens his mouth we can instantly tell that he is trying to big himself up and […]
In June of this year, we were back! The Gathering happened! Around 1500 men were in ‘a field near Swindon’ and I would say the Spirit of God hovered over that place for the entire weekend. Without any shadow of a doubt, the power of the Gospel was palpable. Whilst we were setting up the […]
Recently I have had several guys come up to me and ask for help. That is a miracle. It so often does not happen. Most of us go in on ourselves whenever we feel threatened, or we feel out of control. But this is also the very reason why we do men’s ministry. None of […]
So here at CVM we have been fully focussed on reaching our mates with the Gospel for a very long time. We have always been supporters of encouraging men into men’s groups, and we are constantly looking for creative ways to resource and equip you to share your life and your faith with your mates. […]
One of the best things about being part of the team at CVM is being part of a ministry which is not ashamed to keep Gospel proclamation front and centre of our cause. We live in a world that is literally falling apart at its seams. We have been very used to using terms like […]
It has been becoming more and more obvious to me that we are currently standing at a crossroads. We are living in very turbulent times and how we react right now is probably more important than we might think. When I read my Bible, and particularly some of the New Testament bits, I am so […]