Check out this excellent blog from friend of CVM, Jason Muxworthy – the first in a new series on this important subject.
Author: Jason Muxworthy
First of all I would like to thank Lady Gaga for the title of this blog. As a result you may be reading this with a deal of trepidation as to what might be coming next. Some of you might already know what I am about to reveal about myself, either because I told you […]
There are two reasons why I dislike seaweed. The first one being that once when I was paddling in the sea as a child I slipped and fell into a huge patch of it that was lurking under the surface – that and being a child who grew up watching Dr Who caused me to panic at […]
I realise that this is going to be a very contentious subject as a CVM blog with fruit in the title – but it’s a manly fruit as it has thorns! So here is a definition of the noun Gooseberry: To be an unwanted third person who is present when two other people especially two people having a romantic […]
Our dog is certainly a mongrel, when we got her as a pup we were told that she contained the following: Bichon Frise, Staffy, Husky and Malamute. As a result she does not shed much fur, she loves the snow but until recently she was in desperate need of a trim as she is starting […]
Each year, when I was a child, we were taken to an ‘open day’ at the Steelworks where my Dad worked, it was a really enjoyable family day out with rides and other entertainment. Consequently, for me, the words ‘Open Day’ became synonymous with such a fun event. However, on a hot summer Saturday in […]
I take our dog for regular walks in the surrounding countryside. However, walks over one particular week recently proved something of a challenge, but nothing to do with the restrictions in place due to the pandemic. No, the main difficulty is in my footwear. I have managed to acquire a stone in one of my […]
Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Acts 17:11 When you are travelling by train does the thought ever occur to you ‘I wonder if the driver […]