In my last blog I mentioned how I had attended a gambling industry event accompanied by my friend Ian A. Up until recently Ian A led the men’s ministry at the church we both go to (the Vale of Aylesbury Vineyard church) and we both gave our testimony and were baptised in the same pool […]
Author: Ian Bartlett
Following on from his previous blog, Ian Bartlett unpacks his journey to show how God has moved powerfully in his life in relation to the hold gambling had on him. I gave my life to Jesus on 31st March 2010 and I was baptised on May 30th the same year. I did not gamble at […]
Ian Bartlett kicks off his first blog on the theme of gambling and shares from his experiences about the danger it can be to us. Growing up I never went to church and my parents were not Christians, My fathers church was the pub and the Bookmakers and like father like son I was to […]