As the Olympics came to a close recently, I was caught up in the emotions that some of the competitors displayed when they realised that they had won a medal. Some were so overtaken by their emotions it is their tears, not words that speak; others celebrate, dancing and leaping about. For those who unexpectedly win a medal, it is […]
Author: Doug McWilliam
I was commenting to a friend on a comment that someone who is from the older generation had done, and my friend said in reply, ‘That’s you.’ My instant reply was, ‘No it’s not, I’m not that old.’ In fact, I was older! But it was something about their behaviour that made me think they […]
There are some great commentators out there who have this wonderful skill of making words work for them when commentating on sporting events. How they do it I don’t know. Why not give it a try, turn the volume down on the telly and have a go at commentating … The question is, if you […]
God’s declaration to us is of perfect love, that our prospective spiritual death can be averted. The Cross; this word is shorthand for the death of Jesus on the cross at Golgotha where he died to redeem us from our sins. The Cross shows Gods love has no boundaries and is for real. God has […]
Paul wrote: “I am put here for the defence of the gospel.” Philippians 1:16 NIV The new formula one season has begun and I have been intrigued by a documentary series, ‘Driving – to survive’. A year-long intimate account of those involved in F1. The documentary, among many other things, is about passion, commitment, power, people […]
Reflecting on the news I have been stumbling along trying to get to grips with the phrase; ‘The public’s right to know’. What in fact does this mean? I would not be the first to try and fathom this out. To try and help my understanding I thought I would turn to the WWW. On […]
My daughter sent me a picture of her new British passport. Whilst it looked nice and shiny it didn’t look ‘new’, dark blue with a lovely gold crest it reminded me of the old style British passport that I was issued with when I first made a passport application. The first issue of the European […]
Keeping a secret ‘Can I trust you to keep a secret?’ ‘I want to share something with you, but it’s a secret, can I trust you to keep it a secret?’ When asked to keep a secret I wonder how it makes you feel. Is it something that makes you feel good about yourself or […]
Standing at the beginning of 2021 is no different from standing at the beginning of any other year. We cannot tell the future and there is not one who could have predicted the world being shut down. So where do we go from here? I started to list all the negatives, deaths, lost businesses, stretched […]
There is no doubt its tough. My family are distant from me, Germany, and Lincolnshire. Close friends distanced by Covid 19. The pub distanced by Covid guidelines. I need the interaction of my family; I want the interaction of my family. I need the interaction of friends; I want the interaction of my friends. Tier […]