I love photography and over the years have taken many photographs, capturing all the usual suspects, family and friends, special occasions, wedding baptisms and so on. But recently I was taken up by what I thought was a lovely butterfly. After photographing it and looking up its ID I was surprised to discover what I […]
Author: Doug McWilliam
‘It was a question of trust’ On the end of a bungee rope will it really take the weight or does a fate worse than that which could happen – happen! Who or what is being trusted? Is it the Bungee Jumping organisation to whom so much trust is being put in, or is it […]
I used to think I would make a good soldier. I even got to the stage as a young of applying for the Royal Marines. Something got the better of me and I did not go for the interview. I know people who have joined the armed service. Men, who have gone through basic training, […]
Asked if there was a compromise in being Kingdom Man, and trying to be all things to all men caused me to check and think through again what my personal values are in what may seem a confusingly challenging world. There are lots of blokey things that I like and that I take for granted; […]
The kingdom I’m referring to is the Kingdom of God both here on earth and in the heavens above. The Kingdom being God’s domain upheld by Jesus Christ through his church. God’s kingdom also refers to God’s reign on earth and through Jesus, in our hearts. This includes our acceptance of His kingship and our […]
1 Peter 1:7 ‘Now to you who believe this stone is precious.’ I got to wondering about precious things… Memorabilia lying around the house, long forgotten papers filed away that stimulate numerous memories of people and places, things said and done; a stone received in love, a magical piece of wood, the toddler’s footprint on […]
Driving South for Christmas is a very familiar journey. As I set out I don’t need to consider much about the journey, I know the route, the various stopping places, and how long the journey will take. Unless there is a major hold up, a traffic accident or road works the journey is straightforward. As […]
“When the seagull follows the trawler it’s because they think the sardines will be thrown into the sea” Probably one of the most famous yet misunderstood football quotes. For football followers you will have already guessed the name of the person who made the comment – Eric Cantona, iconic Manchester United footballer. (28/10/03 Eric Cantona: […]
During 1939 as the Nazis swept their way through Europe the British Government was under extreme pressure to open talks with Adolf Hitler. It seemed to the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, that both his political supporters and political enemies were keen on similar outcomes; the appeasement of Adolf Hitler and what this might mean […]
My early career is given some credence by the books that occupy my bookcase. I recently took a book from the bookcase that had sat lodged in a row of books which mostly referenced social issues, the poor, poverty, underclass folks living with little hope and with no recognised exit strategy, those who are part […]