The first time I entered a church for a ‘typical’ Sunday service, I was scared. Don’t get me wrong; I had been to weddings, christenings and remembrance services before, but going to church for no reason was something different. It all happened around eleven years ago, and by this point, my wife Shelly had become […]
Author: Dean Gray
My son Curtis is 16-years-old and stands as tall as me. And every time I come home after being away for a week, he wants to wrestle. We both know not to fight in front of my wife, Shelly, because she cannot stand watching us play fight every week and has no idea why we […]
Stubbington, near Portsmouth, was recently CVM’s port of call for yet another fun-filled, packed out Regional Day. The night before a Regional Day, the team usually stays in a Travel Inn close by to chill out, eat food and frequent a local pub. This evening was no exception. What followed a good meal of ribs […]
(By Dean Gray: CVM MD) The problem I have when I get closer to God and venture out to do that great commission; is the target on my back gets bigger. (And what selling point is that to my mates?) Recently I’ve been wondering what actual benefits are we to gain in this life by […]
Well there I was working quite happily in Afghanistan with over six months to go until the end of my contract. After some spiritual kick up the bum from a few friends of mine I was back on track with God and disciplined enough to be in the word everyday, this was also spurred on […]