Let’s face it! Most of us older guys like to be in control, to be comfortable, to work within our limits and not to push the boundaries too far. In short, we like to live inside our “comfort zone”! That’s fine – I’ve no problem with that. The easy life has a lot to say […]
Author: David Shipley
Having just attained the grand old age of 60, I was asked what it was like now that I was “mature”. I thought about this for a moment and the first thing that came into my head was cheese! But not just any cheese – a really rancid, mouldy, smelly cheese! One that would seer […]
I came across this prayer the other day. It was based on some meditations from the Northumbrian Community and suits very well the changes in life as we men get older. Lord, help me now to un-clutter my life: to organise myself in the direction of simplicity. Lord, teach me to listen to my heart: […]
The mantra of a lot of us guys is “anything for a quiet life!” My dad developed the fine art of saying “Yes, dear” to my mother so convincingly that she believed that she had won the argument. Actually dad had simply decided that it was not worth the hassle to continue! Keeping the peace […]
A man once asked God, “What can I do for you, Lord?” God replied, “Well, thanks very much, son, but I have been doing alright without you up to now! What you can do, though, is act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before me!” Many Christian men have been called to situations that are difficult, others to those […]
It’s funny how things come along in twos! Twice this week I have heard the idea that it would be good to be born with the wisdom of old age and, as time goes by and we become younger, using that wisdom to benefit our more youthful years. The first instance was watching a DVD […]
I was sorting the garage out the other day and realised something really important – you know you’ve turned into your dad the day you put aside a thin piece of wood specifically to stir paint with! This was quite comforting, however, as I can think of no better compliment than for someone to say […]
There is an old saying that “wisdom is the comb that life gives you when your hair has fallen out”. Another phrase often used is “being wise after the event”. Anthony Trollope wrote that the wisdom of those of mature years comes from reflecting on our failures rather than considering our successes. A sentiment echoed […]
Continuing on from last week, here is part 2 of a presentation by David Shipley: Preparing for later life In order to cope with these changes, as men get older, they need to engage with other interests and other social networks, to re-introduce themselves to their partners and families and to seek new roles – […]
We recently had a forum where we discussed how we can do better at reaching older men with Jesus. Here is part 1 of a presentation by David Shipley: It is right to discourage any disconnect between and across age ranges within the CVM network. However, too much conformity denies the uniqueness and diversity of […]