In typical journalistic alliteration, these three D’s in a newspaper headline a few years ago caught my attention. The article was about elections and this headline described the current mood of voters. The only thing which seemed to unify people was a sense of total confusion. However, my mind flicked in an instant to another […]
Author: Bob Fraser
As we strive to reverse climate change and save our planet, tree planting’s become a big thing. If you are a follower of gardening programmes, you may have picked up a tip when planting a new tree to provide a stake fixed at an angle pointing in the direction of the prevailing wind, but that […]
We men like to think we know the way to somewhere. Even if we don’t know, we like to pretend we do. And dare I suggest that many of us are reluctant to take advice on directions? Perhaps I’m generalising but, of course, there is a solution – a map! Wherever I go on holiday […]
Many of us have been there – turbulence in the stock markets, nervous clients, projects cancelled, news of lay-offs, rumours within the organisation; and then the all-staff meeting confirming the worst – there will have to be redundancies. I’ve lived long enough now to recognise it as a familiar pattern. Sleepless nights; panic about providing […]
How often have you caught yourself making a judgement about someone without knowing them or speaking to them? And conversely, how often have we been misjudged by others, with no opportunity to set the record straight? Most of us operate from more than one motive. Something we do may be well intended or have a […]
Sometimes we see something in others which inspires us and motivates us to be better in a particular area of our lives. They don’t necessarily know us and we don’t know them. They speak into our lives without any real depth of knowing. At other times we can be inspired by people who do know […]
Brian Cox’s programmes about planets and galaxies, are mind-boggling stuff, provoking a sense of wonder. As he once said ‘ Astronomy sparks the imagination’. I have a friend who is into Astro Photography. He will regularly post photos he’s taken with a massive tele-photo lens strapped to his camera, showing fantastic detail of craters on […]
Have you ever had that experience in life when you feel you’re just going through the regular routine and not really focussed, not fully present in your own life? A bit confused maybe? A bit lost? I don’t suffer from sleepwalking but I was interested to read that when people sleepwalk, their eyes are usually […]
There are many conspiracy stories around at the moment, and many people believe them yet have no evidence to back up that belief. Others would say that seeing is believing, and unless there is indisputable evidence they won’t take a risk. Yet, what we believe can determine the path we choose and the way we […]
But for right now friends, I’m completely frustrated by your unspirituality. You’re acting like infants…