This seems like a good place to start a book that answers the tough questions posed of Christianity. After all, if there is no such thing as truth then Christianity cannot possibly be true in the way that Christians hope it is, and so there’s no point writing a book that tries to support and […]
Author: Andy
As Bob Dylan said, the times they are a-changing. What a wise man he is, although he also sang this: Now you see this one-eyed midget Shouting the word “NOW” And you say, “For what reason?” And he says, “How?” And you say, “What does this mean?” And he screams back, “You’re a cow Give […]
“Reality is a cocktail of fantasy” Micah Purnell. We lie to ourselves all the time. I lie to myself about how good-looking I am. I like to imagine that ‘I’ve still got it’. And then I walk past a reflection of myself that I wasn’t expecting to see, and before my brain has chance to […]
Ethos – part of Youth for Christ have released a new video looking at the question of morality. This – part III – was written by Andy of the Demolition Squad. Catch Up Missed part I and II? Have a look here: Part I – Can We Prove The Existence of God? Part II – We Shouldn’t Care
Here we are then, with another exciting instalment of supposed Bible inaccuracies. This week we’re looking at some of the questions posed in the book of Mark. Woohoo! Mark 6:5 – Why couldn’t Jesus do mighty works? Problem: If Jesus is God, ‘with all authority in heaven and earth’, why is it that he ‘could […]
At face value, the Bible can seem to be full of contradictions. When people level this at us, we need to take them and it seriously, so let’s see how we can respond. We shall start with the first book of the New Testament. There’s lots to choose from, so let’s look at some of […]
Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. Khalil Gibran A few years ago, I was having a conversation with a guy in a coffee shop. At the time I was trying to speak to more people about God, so I shoehorned into the conversation that I was a […]
This blog contains (Jesus loves you) a hidden message. One of the major assaults on Christianity from the heated world of the internet is that, along with all the other religions, it is set up to brainwash people (usually young, vulnerable people) into the unquestioning belief that our particular institutional power system is true, morally […]
Last week we started looking at some of the phrases people quote ‘as scripture’ that can’t actually be found anywhere in the Bible. You can probably guess, what with this article being called Part 2, that we’re doing more of the same here. Cleanliness is next to godliness No, Jesus did not say this in […]
Recently, a mate and I were watching a game of Rugby Union (it’s like American Football, but without the need for a Kevlar vest. It’s also different in that, whereas American Football has Miley Cyrus singing in the half time break, Rugby Union has a guy in a cagoule shouting out raffle numbers.) Anyway, the […]