‘All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small’. So sang the man as he got onto the train at Liverpool Street. For the next 5-10 minutes, until he got off the train at Stratford, this man preached to everyone in the carriage. Initial requests of ‘Can you be quiet please?’ changed after a […]
Author: Andy
I’m a quarter Scottish. You never know, in these days of Brexit uncertainty, and political absurdity, that might come in useful. I remember going to visit my grandparents in Aberdeen as a child, and seeing in their hallway the Scott clan crest with the clan motto ‘Amo’ (Latin for ‘I love’). At the time, even […]
The health benefits of running to work for 20 minutes through Central London are probably mixed at best. Whilst on the positive side I’m getting exercise, but I’m pretty sure that the fumes from the traffic and air-conditioning outlets are not working wonders for my lungs. Still, it is much much much nicer than being […]
Living in Essex and working in London, I spend about 3 hours a day travelling to and from work. Adding up all the hours I’ve spent commuting over the last 15 years, I could look at this as a massive waste of time, but another way of looking at it is that this is a […]