My burden and passion for the evangelisation of the ‘older Generations’ has grown and deepened over the past few years as I believe I have sensed the burden and passion of God’s Heart. These statistics give an idea of the mammoth task which still lies ahead of us as Christians and as a Church;-
- Since 2008 there have been more people over 65 in the UK population than under 16
- By 2033, 23% of the population will be aged 65 and over compared to 18% aged 16 or younger
- The fastest growing group is the over 80’s. In 2008 there were 2.7 million or 5% of the UK population
What an amazing demographic shift in our Nation and in many other Nations too — one we have to get to grips with. When we talk about mission to and among the ‘older-generations’ we are talking about reaching out with the love of Jesus to those who are ‘on the edge of eternity’, with possibly not that many years left to hear and respond to the Gospel. As I write this it is less than three weeks to Easter when Christians will celebrate and remember afresh the Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. May it be a time for each of us to commit ourselves afresh to proclaiming this wonderful and great news.
There are millions of older people waiting to hear, but how will they hear without a witness? Unless someone goes to them they won’t, so will it be you?
Outlook Trust came into being in November 1992 and ever since has been committed to evangelism amongst the over 55’s. We are fully committed to this task of proclaiming Christ through word and action, always trusting in the Holy Spirit to empower and guide us to fulfil what we believe is a ‘God-given task’ – to build the Kingdom of God in Older-People’s lives and prepare them for eternity. Our resources both practical and in expertise and experience are available to any who share in this passion and burden from God.