‘What are you here for?’ or ‘How do you imagine God?’ are the possible open- ended questions that my ‘spiritual director’ asks me. I have been going to see him about three times a year for about five years.
I always leave him challenged and encouraged. Sometimes the challenges are very practical such as ‘How about taking up a new sport?’ Last year I took up sea canoeing, which I am now hooked on.
Let me explain what a ‘spiritual director’ is by saying what he isn`t!
He is not a director…..we discover God’s path for us and discern where God is taking us by conversation.
It is not always spiritual….. it could be practical or physical.
I am not accountable to him….. I am accountable to my prayer triplet and my wife.
He is not a counsellor….but he is unshockable and the session is confidential.
He is a spiritual companion or soul friend, so if I was in pain, with a situation that had no solution he would ‘hold my hand’ and just be there alongside me.
The title ‘spiritual director’ is not an accurate description, but because it is in fairly common use we are probably stuck with it now!
If you could imagine strolling round your garden with an experienced gardener, he might suggest a few improvements or changes of design or easier ways of maintenance. Gardening is very open- ended and some folk think of it as an extension of the kitchen and others of a haven for wildlife. Some just want a concrete patio! So perhaps this is a helpful picture of ‘spiritual direction’.
If you would like more information please contact the London Centre for Spirituality or email me via CVM.